A Brief History of the PYC
Following on from an idea conceived by Rupert Fowke (who was to become our inaugural Commodore) PYC was founded in October 2010 by a group of Portland Marina berth holders. They wanted to take advantage of the superb facilities available at Dean & Reddyhoff’s newest marina, and the great location, and create a club which placed an emphasis on informality, boating in all its forms and socialising. It was quickly agreed that what we did not want was a club that was overly encumbered by rules, regulations and committees.
Unlike so many yacht clubs, PYC is not burdened with the overhead of property, with all the associated costs and responsibilities, which enables us to keep our membership subscriptions at a minimum.
To overcome this lack of a permanent club house, we mainly use the excellent Boat That Rocks bar and restaurant for general meetings and events and the Dean & Reddyhoff Marina office for committee meetings. But we are also able to arrange our social events wherever we choose, without feeling bound to use a tied club house simply ‘because it’s there’.
However we also recognised that the PYC had to have some form of formal structure. The inaugural members formulated a Constitution based upon sound common sense while maintaining our ‘informal’ ethos.
Our first two years saw a wide range of activities while the club settled down and found it’s ‘sea legs’. 2012 of course saw the Olympic sailing events being held on our very doorstep and this, together with the great facilities at the adjacent National Sailing Academy, has now firmly placed Portland Marina and the PYC at the centre of what is now acknowleged internationally as one of the truly great sailing centers in the World.
PYC draws its membership primarily from Portland Marina berth holders, but it is most definitely open to all.