Commodore's Welcome
I am delighted and very proud to have been elected as your new Commodore. I want to pay tribute to our previous Commodore, Christine – under whose stewardship the Club has developed and thrived. Her tenure in post will be a difficult act to follow, and I hope the Club will continue to be as inclusive, informal, and popular.
The things that unite all of our membership is a link to Portland and our relationship with the sea. Whether a paddleboarder, kite surfer, canoeist, motor boater, sailor – for leisure or livelihood – we all know that being in or upon the ocean can provide challenge, succour, danger, and relaxation.
I have been a berth holder at Portland since 2015 and am so fortunate to have met many really lovely people, got to know some well, and been able to be regarded as a friend by a few. The majority have known far more about boating than I, and I have benefited from their knowledge, advice, and help. I hope the club provides a social network for everyone to share their knowledge or passion for our pastime, offering support, company as well as a good run ashore.
I would welcome any ideas you may have as to how the Club could continue to develop, and along with the rest of your dedicated Committee will try to provide something for everyone. Thank you for your support, and I wish you fair winds and calm seas.
Best wishes
David Barton Commodore PYC